Exploring the wonder of nature

Auk Ecological Consulting

Auk Ecological Consulting is a small business based in Cordova, Alaska. Auk Ecological Consulting is committed to creatively solving ecological questions, and engaging and actively involving youth in long-term monitoring and novel research projects.

We offer over 20 years of research, monitoring, and education skills focused primarily on marine ecology and conservation. Areas of expertise include:

  • Seabird feeding ecology, life history, and behavioural studies

  • Remote camp design and field logistics

  • Long-term monitoring protocol design

  • Establishing long-term monitoring sites
  • Scientific review
  • Seabirds and marine ecology short courses
  • Citizen science
  • Educational field experience
  • Data entry and analysis
  • Grant writing
  • High arctic and wilderness survival skills
  • Use of remote and electronic monitoring techniques including: GPS loggers, radio telemetry, time-depth-recording devices (TDRs), and electronic nest balances.
  • Data collection and application of (1) corticosterone as a hormonal indicator of physiological stress associated with local feeding conditions, (2) stable isotope analysis to examine the diet (trophic level) and foraging habits of seabird species, and (3) the doubly labelled water technique to measure the energy expenditure of individuals in the field.
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